Alatheia serves individuals with limb differences of many types. The comment most often repeated is that our product is “life changing.” For example, this Dermatos® patient had a congenital hand deformity and now feels much more comfortable in public with our prosthesis.
I was born in 1961 (Thalidomide survivor) with a deformed right hand, which is also shorter than my left. It has caused me some imbalances which have led to some degenerative problems.
I am now 50 and decided to obtain a hand that was as realistic as possible. I did a lot of research and discovered Alatheia Prosthetics. There are many options available when it comes to prosthetics. But I felt that most of the alternatives would again draw attention to me because they did not have the degree of realism that was important to me. Alatheia was the best choice.
The entire staff was very helpful and the whole process from start to finish was very detail oriented to make sure the final prosthesis would not only be proper fitting, but realistic to the eye. The artists are probably the best in the world. The result is not only a functional piece but also a masterpiece of true sculptural artwork.
I feel more balanced when wearing my prosthetic hand and it has helped me improve my posture because the hand weighs almost the same as my other. The really cool thing is that I can also swim with it!
There are no words to explain how great it is to feel somewhat “normal” when I go out in public, where everyone is judged by their physical characteristics. I can go into a Starbucks and just be myself, and not worry about everyone staring! Thank you Alatheia.