This Dermatos arm prosthesis was designed to cover an existing above-elbow prosthesis.
Dermatos prosthetic devices are often created for clients while they are still working with their existing prosthetist. We recognize that if an amputee has established a close relationship with a prosthetist, it is often better for them to continue working with their local prosthetist, while utilizing our services. We can design our skins and hands around many different types of existing prosthetic devices.
“This is the most functional arm prosthesis I have ever had. My patients are relaxed and are not even aware of my amputation! I can now concentrate on my patients’ needs without being distracted by their reaction to a prosthesis… it looks so real!”
-Dr. Nathan, Ph.D, M.D.
Many prosthesis wearers find using myoelectric and body powered prosthetic devices very helpful when prehension (grasp) is needed. However many of these wearers are not happy with the appearance of their prosthesis.
In addition to not looking real, active prosthesis wearers are also unsatisfied with the very short life-span of the vinyl skin covers that are used to cover their prosthetic devices.
With our Dermatos covers, these amputees can enjoy the longest life-span of any protective skin cover available. (See “Dermatos® profile” for more information on our skin strength). Did you know that vinyl skin permanently stains just by holding a newspaper? Dermatos is virtually stain-proof! Inks from newspapers, pens and pencils just wash off. In fact a Dermatos prosthesis can have direct contact with flames without being damaged or stained!